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2.Down's Syndrome

BUDAUN : UP RBSK team of doctors cured Monu , Child of 2.0.15 age. Child was suffering with 2.Down’s Syndrome disease from birth and now treatment is going on under the supervision of UP RBSK doctors. Now Monu will be able to continue as a normal child and family members are very happy as they got this all help from government in free of cost.

What is 2.Down’s Syndrome

A common birth defect that is usually due to an extra chromosome 21 (trisomy 21). Down syndrome causes mental retardation, a characteristic facial appearance, and multiple malformations. It occurs most frequently in children born to mothers over age 35. It is associated with a major risk for heart problems, a lesser risk of duodenal atresia (partially undeveloped intestines), and a minor but significant risk of acute leukemia.
Treatment for Down syndrome includes early intervention to develop the mental and physical capacities to their utmost, speech therapy, and surgery, as needed, to repair malformations.
About one-half of children with Down syndrome have heart defects, most often holes between the two sides of the heart (septal defects). With appropriate intervention, most children with Down syndrome live active, productive lives into at least middle age. Most are mildly to moderately retarded, although some have IQs in the low'normal range. Unfortunately, most adults with Down syndrome eventually develop Alzheimer's disease as they grow older.